Soooo... these aren't professional snazzy shoot kind of pictures like I was hoping for. But they are snap shots my mama took, and they are all I have. Here's how the easter dress turned out:
And here are some details taken during the construction preocess:
In my plans and in my mind there was going to be a fancy photo shoot of me frolic-ing about in my custom frock enjoying spring time and easter. It was going to be a great glorius and grand reveal. But picutres never really happened... and then i got distracted by other things and I have been under the weather for a while, and i figure, I should at some point pu up some pics even if it wasn't the shining moment I planned it to be.
So here is the not-shiny reveal of the dress that I made, and loved, and spilled Jello on, but am still very proud of even if there aren't fancy pictures.
It's gorgeous. Well done.