
Friday, October 1, 2010

BAKE THIS: Would-have-been-banana bread

Every one knows that when you have over-ripe bananas the best thing to do with them is make banana bread. But I have a problem with that... because I usually only have 1-2 over-ripe bananas and my recipe (or others I have tried to find) usually call for 3-4 bananas. And... I don't want to half the recipe, because think of what a scrawny, puny, loaf that would be... but with only half the recommended amount of banana... what a dry tasteless loaf. See the problem? It really is a problem. Or WAS a problem until some improvisation/happy mistake happened the other day in my kitchen. Let me set the scene:
Lovely, cool, fall afternoon perfect for baking.
Banana bread craving.
2.5 very ripe bananas...
But the recipe calls for 4.
So I go rummaging through my cabinets and fridge... Whats better in the fall than apples? Whats better with apples than peanut butter? (Maybe sharp cheddar... but i opted not to include it in this recipe. But that does make my gears turn a little... could one make an apple cheddar biscuit? Does the apple/cheese thing only work with crunchy, tart, un-cooked apples??? Hmmm... Anywho...) Threw all that in there... and it turns out the would-have-been banana bread was a yummy, funky, fall-ish Apple-Peanut Butter-Banana bread. It was super yummy. Yummy enough for a complete toddler meltdown, or so I heard from my good friend with whom I shared the creation.
Here's the scoop:

Would-Have-Been-Banana Bread
2.5-3 very ripe, smashed up bananas
1 small apple, grated (I didn't even peel it)
1/2 cup peanut butter (creamy or chunky, doesn't matter to me!)
1/3 cup melted butter
3/4 cup sugar
1 beaten egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of salt
1 1/2 cup flour
Raw (coarse) sugar for top

Mash up your bananas, apples, peanut butter, and melted butter together. Stir in sugar, egg, and vanilla. Mix in baking soda, salt, and flour. Spoon into a greased loaf pan and spread smooth. sprinkle the top generously with raw sugar (it makes the top beautiful and crunchy and sparkly) Bake 45-60 mins at 350, until a wooden skewer comes out clean. (Mine was done after about 45 mins, I have a hot oven tooooo...)
Let cool completely, remove to wire rack, wrap nicely... and share with a friend for a lovely fall treat!

I think bread looks really nice wrapped in some paper with twine or ribbon and a handwritten note... aw, so friendly! (I wish I had some prettier paper... but I am not a scrapbooker or cardmaker, so lovely fall-sh patterned paper is something I don't really keep on hand. I know, I should maybe reconsider.)

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