
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Baby P II

(Warning, oversharing about to happen.)

So yesterday I made the big announcement about our bun in the oven, but glossed over the details to share with you about the house. You didn't actually think I wasn't going to come back and over share about baby stuff, though, right?
Right after the first of the year I started talking to Z about Babies! I was getting the baby fever. We said we'd talk about it when Sam was a year old, so I brought it up-- even though I knew what the answer was for both of us. Not now. We had barely started the serious search for a house but it felt hopeless. Z was still working long long hours and his schedule was all over the place-- we both knew this was not great timing. We knew we both wanted more kiddos, but decided we would talk about it again this summer-- hopefully we would have a house or be closer to having a house by then and could make a smart and informed decision about whether the timing was 'right' then.
Plus also... we wanted to avoid getting pregnant in the spring again, if at all possible so as not to have another 'holiday baby'. Not that we don't love Sam and everything about him, but babies and birthdays close to the holidays can be chaotic, especially in my husband's line of work.
(Yes, read this, and laugh at us 'planning' because if you know anything about life and children, which we obviously don't, you know they don't like to conform to our preconceived schedules) (Ew, unintentional bad pun there with the preconceived thing.)
Fast forward a month or two to Easter Sunday. I was just sitting around that evening, and similar to two years earlier, I suddenly just had this feeling-- this knowledge I can't explain why-- I was pregnant and I knew it. But this was practically impossible, because... well it just was. The timing and the logistics didn't make any sense. I said nothing to anyone, but the next morning after Z left for work I took a test.
Oh man-- surely that is a false positive.
So I said nothing to anyone and took three more tests on three consecutive days. Positive, positive, positive. So there you have it.
I kept my mouth shut for an entire week. On Wednesday, I asked my husband out on a date. Dates are kinda a rare occurrence for us, so he excitedly agreed. I got a baby sitter and reservations, and nearly died trying to keep my mouth shut for three more days. If you know me, and how much I love secrets and surprises but how horrible I am at keeping them, you can be impressed!
Date night finally came, and I got dressed up and we went out and I kept my mouth shut all the way until we got to the restaurant. We ordered drinks and I finally said... Well... I actually had a specific reason I asked you on a date tonight, I have a little surprise for you, do you want it now or later?
Of course Z is used to me offering up 'surprises' but he stil doesn't like it. haha
He laughed nervously, and siad I guess now? So I handed him an envelope. Inside was a card with the following picture and caption:
The first picture of the FOUR of us
He knew immediately what it meant-- and got really excited. He even kissed me in public (BIG DEAL!). He was completely surprised, though, just as I had been... and we smiled, and talked baby, and mused at how exciting this was and how silly we are for trying to 'plan' when to have a baby. Those little buggers have a mind of their own, now don't they?
When Sam was born we waited til 9 or 10 weeks to tell our parents... made a big deal of it on mother's day. This time we opted to spill the beans right away, just because we were so darn excited. We were going to see my parents the next day for our weekly family date night, so we decided that was the time. But we were also trying to be creative, and wanted to get Sam in on the fun.
So the next day I ran to the store and grabbed a plain white shirt, then used my silhouette to make a freezer paper stencil out of the 'big brother' logo I designed...
And the next night he wore his new shirt over to Poppy and Meema's house. He ran around for about a half hour before my mom finally noticed, hey what do you have on your shirt, Sam? Then with big eyes at us WHAT DOES HE HAVE ON HIS SHIRT!?!?! And we smiled and she squealed with excitement, and my dad was all, what's going on, and my mom showed him the shirt and he was all-- um, okay? But once we explained it to him-- he was pretty excited too. :)
We also told Z's parents and my sister that night... The shirt was a big hit!
We were just guessing at a due date until we got to the doctor a few weeks later. He confirmed that, yes, there was a baby coming... and this one is due Dec 6.

Here is the very first picture of Baby P (the second!). This was taken at 9 weeks. Baby P is laying on it's back with head on the left here. Already so cute and loveable, don't you think? :)
So we were super surprised but are super excited. Yes, We will find out if it's a boy or a girl (but not for a month or two still) and yes we will tell you when we know. Yes, I will be taking weekly 'bump' pictures again... but not yet, there's not much to see yet. No, we are not going to tell you Baby P's name until he/she is born. Just like last time.
I've been pretty nasty sick the past couple months, but we are entering the second trimester now, and it seems to be letting up some. Thank goodness! We've got a lot to get done this month with a move, and a show-- no time for laying and bed and hugging the toilet, I tell you what!
I can't wait to meet this little peanut. I am so very very excited to be a mama x2! Thanks for all your love and support and interest in our lives...
And if you made it through that long, wordy, oversharing post... well a bonus 10 points for you. You're awesome! <3 br="">

Monday, June 10, 2013

Family of Four in a New House

That would be my family of four.
In front of our new house.
Yes, this is an annoucement.
Two, actually.

I am sure you guessed from my absence on the blog that I was either dead, lazy, or pregnant. If you guessed the last, you were right!
10 points.
If you guessed the second... well... you are mostly right too.
Oh who am I kidding, all those who voted lazy get 10 points too.
If you follow me on pinterest (which you totally should because I pin awesome stuff) you may have even guessed that we bought a house... or at least that we were in the market for it. And you would be right too.
So 10 points for you.
And you know what? Just... 10 points to anyone who cared enough to spend their time wondering why I blog so infrequently. Because sometimes there is a reason, but usually that reason is I am a little neurotic and spastic. But nevertheless I appreciate that you wasted your time pondering my whereabouts.

I AM pregnant!
We DID buy a house!
I've been sick like whoa and overwhelmed with this whirlwind real estate thing and preparing to move.
But the house is incredible and the timing, though chaotic, is pretty great as well. There are so many moving parts that just seem to be falling into place and we feel blessed and elated and so RIGHT about this whole thing.
The house is like 6 years old, but never been lived in. It's really bright and spacious and in a nice, young neighborhood in the town I grew up in. (Which just makes the whole thing so much cozier!) We've got friends around the block, and family just a mile away. A great yard, and lots of space to grow into as our kiddos (and family!) get bigger!

The kitchen is great and look at that dining room... all the windows and pretty warm wood tones make me happy.
We are most pleased that this little guy loves the new house too. Here he is looking out his second story window. There are 'doggies' and other 'babies' in the neighborhood that he is so excited about. The first time we saw the house, Sam laid down on the carpet right in the middle of the living room, put his hands behind his head and sighed contentedly. I am not even kidding. It was hilarious and awesome, and just confirmed that, yes, we all felt right in this house.

The rooms are all spacious and lovely, the closets generous. The laundry on the same floor as the bedrooms, and check this out:
That's a jacuzzi tub in my master bath. (it's okay if you want to sigh, I do whenever I look at it.)
I am SO EXCITED about this awesome new dream house we will be moving into very very soon. (Can ya tell???) Of course I'll share updates as we move and get settled, and I have great plans for some exciting new decor on the cheap and some DIY stuff thats going to make our dream home even more awesome. I can't wait to show you.
But patience.
(That was for me, not you. But you can be patient too.)
I should go work on a little packing. Goodbye for now, pretty house. We'll be moving in soon!

Goodbye for now, sweet friends and readers. Be back to update you soon!