
Friday, July 29, 2011

Baby P

Here's a sneak peek at my latest project for you:

Friday, July 15, 2011

Cheap Dress for Friday

Found some cute cheap dresses today... thought I would share.
(Yes these are all maternity, I'm fat now, deal with it.)

I love this color
$13.98 online at Target

Not Summery, it's brown courdory... Baby P will be here in the winter, so I'm in.
$14.99 at Motherhood

Pregnant Romper: Amy and I discussed this, could I pull this off, or would I look like I was wearing my PJ's?
$14.99 online at Motherhood

Cute stripey Maxi
$19.99 at Old Navy

Lest you think I have abandoned old obsessions, a lovely dress from my girlfriend Ann Taylor
$41.99 (after discount at checkout) at LOFT

With so many options for cute maternity style... whats a girl to do??? I probably shouldn't spend my whole paycheck on dresses, but hubby says I can get one... which would you choose?

Thursday, July 14, 2011


This weekend is you last chance to see GCT's Production of Rogers and Hammerstein's Cinderella!
It's a charmingly fun show, I hope you can come! You can get more info on the GCT website or on the Cinderella Facebook event page.
Not only do you get to see me onstage.. but you can also see my work and the work of my mama in the costuming onstage... they look pretty good, if I may give my candid opinion.

I am just excited to wear feathers in my hair and a bid poofy ball gown-- you don't want to miss that action.
And if you had no other reason... don't you want to say you were there for Baby P's first musical theatre production?
Ah... thats what I thought.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Off to Korea

I made this hat over a month ago. Our friends M&E are having a baby girl in just a few short months... and we could not be more excited for them. We cannot wait to meet their precious little girl...
but wait we must. She will be born in Korea, where our friends are currently living, and since our budget doesn't have a 'friendly visit to Korea' overflow... we will have to wait until their sweet little family returns to the states to meet her. When that will be-- no one knows for sure.
I had great plans. I was making her this fun hat. I also had some lovely fabric picked out and had a little dress and some fancy burp cloths in the works... and then I got pregnant and spent my evenings puking, not sewing... and the best laid plans... well... it just didn't happen.
I DID finish one of the projects for her though, and so it will very soon be on it's way to Korea... but i had to show you my handywork first!
This is the first thing I have ever crocheted that was not a scarf, blanket, or otherwise similarly rectangularly shaped. I used this pattern from Aesthetic Nest, and though it is not perfection... I think it is cute. I really like the soft snuggly looking cotton and the peachy pink color. I added a pom-pom to the middle of the flower from the pattern... just to add more texture and color.
I think it turned out sweet, and I hope M&E and their little baby girl love it... and know that it comes with lots and lots of love from Kansas... all the way on the other side of the world! :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Heh heh

My Friend Amy Lee posted this on my wall this morning. (I have NO IDEA where she found it, so I am not trying to be all no-photo-credit here on purpose...) But seriously, SO FUNNY. I want a print of this to put in my sewing nook to giggle at while sewing baby things...
So if you know where I could find one...
Anyway, Thanks Amy! You made my day!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Getting Personal

Sooo... this is my crafty blog, right? And I try to keep my personal, my ramblings and opinions, and my funny stories to my personal blog. Most importantly, Yes, I am pregnant, but I was going to attempt to spare you all the pregnancy and baby details... and just keep it to my craftiness.
But here's what I am thinking about today. My two blogs have different audiences. I kinda wish that I could get the opinions and advice of this audience when I post about certain things on my other blog. But I don't know. I don't know if I should mix the two. Not that I have a huge following of devoted fans here, but I still don't want people who are here for one reason to be all annoyed that I am chatting all about my personal life and issues.
So I am... wondering. I am not going to completely combine the two or do away with one or the other... but would you as a reader be offended to occasionally find a personal post? Or to be asked your opinions on a specific topic? Or if I shared my opinions? Or if I begged for advice or sympathy from other current mommies (because motherhood kinda scares the ba-jeebies out of me right now!)???
What do you think about that?